Raising your confidence, your mindfulness and vitality

 Inscriptions closes
15 avril 2016 16:00 - 17:00
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Workshop & Master Class in London
with Edouard Stacke & Mark Manners
April 15 & 16, 2016
"Raising your confidence, your mindfulness and vitality"

In three stages:

  • Gain in consciousness, live better and more efficiently through mastering your conscious breathing with the Vital’Respir method
  • Increase your impact, overcome anxiety in public engagements; gain confidence and inner strength in presentations and speeches; integrate professional and social
    groups better; improve empathic skills
  • Move forward: increase your drive; sharpen decision processes; ensure better professional and life planning and execution

Join the first Vital’Respir seminar in London and:
Discover the powerful method, Vital’Respir, consisting of modern scientific techniques and ancient Asian meditation, raising mindfulness, improving conscious breathing, relaxation, focusing and expression, to move towards greater mind/body control and drive.


Edouard Stacke: International management consultant, coach and health professional. He is a qualified physiotherapist, psychologist, osteopath, and acupuncturist. He has trained thousands of his colleagues in body-mind therapies; has taught numerous managers how to bring out their best practices; held posts at Montreal and Paris Sorbonne V Universities; founded the Vital’Respir™ Method; authored the books “Coaching for High-performance Teams and Successful Companies”; “Virtuous Breathing” and “The Freedom to be Oneself”, available soon in English. He ran the first Interprofessional Congress of Respirology in Paris in 2015.


Mark Manners: International trainer and consultant in interpersonal and intercultural communications; teaches management and show-business professionals in greater mindfulness and overcoming anxiety for various public appearances; has taught at Paris Universities Sorbonne III and Sorbonne V; designs, writes and builds serious games for French corporations; trains trainers; organises successful intercultural congresses in France. He lives and works in Hastings UK and Paris France.


Click here to see the programme


Toutes les Dates

  • Du 15 avril 2016 16:00 au 16 avril 2016 17:00
    vendredi & samedi

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