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Conférence d’Edouard Stacke à la deuxième conférence de la World Outstanding Medical Doctors Association à Beijing (Chine), les 9 et 10 janvier 2016 sur le thème « Prévention et traitement du stress et du burn-out chez des patients suractifs ».
WOMDA is a nonprofit organization which is composed by famous medical experts from china and from more than 20 countries and regions in the world, the headquartered is in Hong Kong, the agent institutions is in Beijing, and will gradually sets up the branch in the main countries of the world.The set up of WOMDA will be helpful for the world's medicaldisciplines cross development,for example the preventive medicine and the health medicine. With the rapid development of global science and technology, economy and society,the acceleration of the circadian rhythm,lead to thetransformation of the concept of human health and the increasing number of malignant diseases.There are two reason for found the WOMDA. The WOMDA will committed to promote the academic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between doctors,to provide international medical assistance to poor countries,to promote new medical technology. We will communicate academic idea in this convention.
Propulsé par iCagenda